The Vacuum Technology Division (VTD) meets to share ideas and novel approaches to advancing vacuum science and technology. VTD sessions span a broad range of topics relating to the science and engineering involved in achieving, maintaining, analyzing, and measuring vacuum wherever it is required. The VT program at AVS69 is a selection of industry, national laboratory, and academic presentations ranging from novel methods and devices for measuring gas composition, as well as outgassing of materials, to large vacuum systems featured in LIGO and ITER. This year, VT is participating in the Quantum Science mini-symposium, where vacuum considerations for quantum computing will be discussed. As usual, VT will host the Ask the Experts (ATE) booth during exhibit hours. This is an informal forum—staffed by VTD experts—where conference attendees may ask questions, participate in the VTD raffle, or stop by for a vacuum-related chat.
VT-MoM: Vacuum Measurement, Partial Pressure, and Gas Analysis
- Masatoshi Ono, Vacuum Products Co., Japan, “Novel Diaphragm Vacuum Gauge: Q’zGauge (QZG)”
VT-MoA: Leaks, Flows, and Material Outgassing
- Delphine Faye, Centre National d’Etudes Spatiales, France, “On Ground and In-Orbit Decontamination Strategies for Space Hardware”
- Mengjia Gaowei, Brookhaven National Laboratory, “Cesium Intercalation of Graphene: A 2D Protective Layer on Alkali Antimonide Photocathode”
VT-TuM: Particle Accelerators and Large Vacuum Systems
- Michael Zucker, LIGO Laboratory, Caltech and MIT, “Exploring the Gravitational Wave Universe: Vacuum Systems for LIGO A+ and Beyond”
VT-TuA: Novel Vacuum Instrumentation
- Brad Shaw, Leak Testing Specialists, Inc., “Improved Reliability of High Sensitivity Leak Testing of Large Chambers”
- Yohei Yoda, EBARA, Japan, “Saving Energy of Subfab Equipment for Semiconductor Manufacturing”
VT-TuP: Vacuum Technology Poster Session