The Atomic Scale Processing Focus Topic is aimed at providing a unique forum to expand the scope of atomic layer deposition (ALD) and atomic layer etching (ALE) processes toward understanding the fundamentals needed to achieve true atomic scale precision and the application of such processing on various areas of interest to the broader AVS community. The topic is composed of 6 oral sessions from Monday morning to Wednesday morning with 4 posters at the Tuesday night poster session. The emphasis will be on synergistic efforts, across multiple AVS divisions and groups, to generate area-selective processes as well as novel characterization methods to advance the field of processing at the atomic scale. We are excited to offer several sessions in collaboration with the PSTD, the TFD, as well as the EMPD and 2DM, focusing on area selective deposition, thermal and plasma-based ALD and ALE, including combined ALD/ALE approaches for integration and improved film performance by atomic layer annealing (ALA).
AP+PS+TF-MoM: Thermal Atomic Layer Etching and Deposition
- John Hennessy, Jet Propulsion Laboratory, “Atomic Layer Etching of Aluminum and Aluminum Oxide for Optical Applications”
AP+PS-MoA: Plasma Enhanced Atomic Layer Etching
- Remi Dussart, GREMI CNRS/Universitéd’Orléans, France, “Mechanisms and Benefits of Cryogenic Processes in Silicon Based Material Atomic Layer Etching”
AP+EM+PS+TF-TuM: Area Selective Processing and Patterning
- Annelies Delabie, Imec Belgium, “Area-Selective Deposition in Nanoscale Patterns”
- Yukio Kaneda, Sony Semiconductor Solutions Corporation, “A Study of Elucidation and Improvement of TiO2 Selectivity by First-Principles Based Thermodynamics Simulation”
AP1+2D+EM+PS+TF-TuA: Atomic Layer Processing: Integration of Deposition and Etching
- Marceline Bonvalot, LTM-MINATEC-CEA/LETI, “Combination of Plasma-Based Atomic Scale Deposition and Etching Processes for Advanced Patterning”
- Nobuyuki Kuboi, Sony Semiconductor Solutions Corporation, “Application of Etching Reaction Models to Deposition Processes”
AP2+PS+TF-TuA: Energy Enhanced ALD
- Andrew Kummel, University of California, San Diego, “Atomic Layer Annealing with Radio Frequency Substrate Bias for Control of Grain Morphology in Gallium Nitride Thin Films”
AP+PS+TF-WeM: Plasma Deposition and ALD Processes for Coatings and Thin Films
- Riikka Puurunen, Aalto University, Finland, “Recent Progress in Analysis of the Conformality of Films by Atomic Layer Deposition”
AP-TuP: Atomic Scale Processing Poster Session